A talk I gave at work introducing property-based testing and then giving some more advanced techniques.
Exploding the incredibly terse proof into a bunch of exposition.
A syllabus for a fireside chat to give at work, on Git
Some basic questions I had about transformers, and their possible answers.
My Brita water filter does not in fact purify.
A vignette on the theme of ‘do not allow yourself to get into the habit of supplying the -f
flag to rm
I tend to argue things in a particular way because I’m in a high-trust environment.
An introduction to the crate pattern for representing existential quantification in F#.
A rather little-known but very easy and high-reward way to sanity-check your property-based tests.
First-class support for a –dry-run mode makes a tool more maintainable, more testable, and more user-friendly.
Motivating the technique of continuation-passing style, by looking at recursive functions.
An exploration into reaching into the internals of Mathematica to natively evaluate C code.
An incomplete but growing list of things I would make mandatory reading if I were building a software engineering syllabus.
A quick note from Hacker News about how to model in F# something that might look like cyclic dependencies.
A checklist I have used during my regular six-monthly life review.
A cute little exercise in bug-spotting.
A bug I found and reported in Git.
A round of questions I wrote for a Christmas quiz.
My notes on the production of a Christmas dinner.
Some techniques to help you get more out of Anki.