Trip to Tromsø
Friday (2024-03-08)
- Wagamama’s at Gatwick
- Toblerone
- Plane to Tromsø!
- Landed 2340 local time
- About an hour between landing and getting a taxi
- First sight of tunnel system under Tromsø mountains
Northern Lights visible from plane; they turned off the cabin lights so we could see.
Saturday (2024-03-09)
- Breakfast (great smoked salmon and pickled herring, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, beans, bread, butter, apple jam)
- Ran into some lost tourists, resulting in a rainy walk over bridge to east
- Arctic cathedral
- Cable car up mountain, vue panoramique
- Back to hotel, sauna
- Cinnamon bun and golden milk at Pust Kafé (maximum bougie London energy)
- Polar museum
- Carrot cake and Lady Grey tea at hotel
- Tea at hotel, sauna again and jacuzzi outside
Sunday (2024-03-10)
- Snowshoe walk at Kattfjordeidet
- Aurora tour, ending up around Skibotn; back around 0230 local time
Monday (2024-03-11)
- Husky sledding
- Jacuzzi again
Tuesday (2024-03-12)
More buns at Pust
Aquarium (featuring seals!)
Plane to Luton
Arrived home 0120 GMT
- Nikoli-style puzzles solved: 48
- Saunas: 7
- Jacuzzis: 2
- Cardamom buns: 2
- Items of clothing lost: 1